WHALE and Roger Williams University are hosting a community input meeting on the Orpheum Theater. This meeting is an academic exercise for the potential creative non-theater reuse of the Orpheum Theater. The event is March 19 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM at Kilburn Mill, located at 127 W Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford, MA 02744
The Roger Williams University Architecture, Historic Preservation, Art and Planning Department are teaching three courses that focus on the implementation of an architectural and real estate reuse feasibility study for the historic Orpheum Theater in the intersection of downtown New Bedford and the South End neighborhood of the city. The Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) is teaching an interdisciplinary feasibility workshop in tandem with DesignLab’s architecture studio and Heritage Restoration Conservation Lab. The students; professors and University are looking for community input and thank you for consideration of attending!
All are welcome to come share their ideas and community needs!
For more information and to RSVP please call 508-997-1776 or email twillander@waterfrontleague.org