2025 Award Nomination Form

If watching our 2024 award video has you inspired, consider making a nomination to our 2025 preservation awards! A PDF (fillable) form is available here. Just fill it out and return to our office along with all supplemental documents.  Nominations will be accepted through next spring and awardees will be selected and contacted. The awards […]

2024 Preservation Awards Video Available

WHALE was honored to recognize the contributions of some truly incredible individuals and organizations at our 2024 preservation awards. The full video (including our surprise award) is now available on our YouTube channel! 

Affordable Apartment Opportunity: 18 & Union

18 & Union, a development project that includes the rehabilitation of several historic buildings at the bottom of Union Street, including the C.E. Beckman Company Buildings and the National Club, is advertising affordable apartments for rent.  5, one bedroom affordable apartments are available for rent, with income restrictions. See the flyer here for details on […]

Introducing the 2024 Award Recipients

WHALE is excited to bring back our Preservation Awards this year! Traditionally given out at our annual meeting, the awards recognize, honor and celebrate individuals and organizations that have demonstrated excellence, commitment and dedication to the history, culture, and architectural heritage of New Bedford. The 2024 Preservation Award Recipients are: John & Laurie Bullard – […]

Mapping WHALE’s Impact

WHALE’s done a tremendous amount of work in New Bedford since our founding in 1962. As we reflect on that history, it’s always been a dream to have a comprehensive map of sits and properties that WHALE has touched in some way, be it a lead developer role or a supportive partner or collaborator. As […]

Work with WHALE! Summer Intern Opportunity

WHALE is looking for a summer intern to work with our organization on programs, communications and other activities related to our mission driven work.  This internship is intended to be a wholistic learning experience with a non-profit and community development corporation. The internship will be located in our office at 15 Johnny Cake Hill in […]

Make an Impact: Join WHALE’s Board!

Looking to make an impact? Join WHALE’s Board! WHALE is seeking nominations and inquiries from those interested in joining our Board of Directors as part of our 2024 class. Our directors have the primary responsibility of governing the organization but very involved and invested in the projects, mission, and work of WHALE. With a new […]

WHALE’s New Strategic Plan

WHALE’s Strategic Plan: The next chapter in a tale of ordinary people who do extraordinary things. 2025 – 2029 Strategic Plan Draft WHALE’s upcoming strategic plan is now open for public comment. From April 26 through May 6, we will take comments, thoughts and questions about our draft strategic plan. Since January WHALE has been […]

Places that Matter: New Bedford’s Launch – May 9!

For the past two years, the Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) and the Trust for Public Land have collaborated on an innovative project called Places that Matter: New Bedford.  From 2022 – 2024, New Bedford locals identified the historic and cultural resources, parks and recreation areas, public art and affordable housing opportunities that deserve protection, activation […]

A History Lesson

Strategic Planning for the future has a lot of retrospection imbedded in it. Often we look to the past for inspiration, guidance and affirmation of our mission and goals. This most recent (and ongoing) planning effort is looking back on all WHALE has accomplished in its 62 years as a foundation to build on for […]