Restoring The Plummer House In New Bedford

WHALE’s current project, 148 Hawthorn Street, was featured in WCAI’s NPR article last week. From history to current progress, Brian Morris highlights all the latest news about this beautiful house. The article can be found here :

Demolition on Willis Street makes way for veterans housing

Aimee Chiavaroli in her Coastin’ Today article highlighted the collaboration of the Veterans Transition House with WHALE to make 1060 Pleasant St. the new home of the transition house. Stay tuned for more information and updates to come! The article can be found on SouthCoastToday:

Interior painting begins at First Baptist, future New Bedford theater

Jennette Barnes in her Coastin’ Today article highlighted the next big steps for the First Baptist Church. Whale and Your Theatre are partners on this restoration project, and once the work is completed the Church will become the Steeple Playhouse, a community performing arts space. The article can be found on SouthCoastToday:

2019 Annual Meeting & Preservation Awards

Tuesday, May 21, 2019 5:30 – 7:30 PM Located at Greasy Luck, 791 Purchase St, New Bedford, MA 02740 Join your fellow WHALE members and friends for our annual gathering. All are welcome, members and non-members, to come learn about WHALE’s current preservation projects from Executive Director, Teri Bernert. Cheer on our distinguished group of […]

Properties for Sale

WHALE has added a new page on the website “Properties for Sale” to update you on the projects that are on their way to being completed. Three properties are highlighted with updated information on when they will be for sale.

“WHALE breathes new life into old buildings”

Steven Froias in his weekly Coastin’ Today article highlighted WHALE this week. From past projects to recent projects, Steven speaks on how our vision continues to transform the landscape of New Bedford. The article can be found on SouthCoastToday: